About ACR Health Services

ACR Health Services- the leading provider of person-centered community behavior health, mental health and addiction treatment in Atlanta and its surrounding counties.
Our Mission
Our only purpose is to ensure that individuals with mental health and substance abuse needs receive the most appropriate and effective treatment in the least restrictive and most cost-efficient setting. ACR is not only committed to helping people live in the community, but also to help people live with the community. To that end, all treatment shall be focused around the principles of recovery, resilience and self-determination.
Our Values
ACR is organized around core principle of delivering high quality treatment services in a way that is fully accessible and person-centered.
Pursuit of this principle is guided by a commitment to the provision of treatment that is comprehensive, community based, and delivered in the least restrictive setting with a focus on allowing indiviudals and their family to have their preferences known and to direct the delivery of treatment.
To fulfill these values, ACR adheres to and believes in the following guiding principles:
Family integrity is of paramount importance.
ACR shall work with other social service agencies within its service area to achieve the best possible outcome for individuals.
Individuals shall participate fully in all service planning decisions.
Culturally competent services will be guided by the concept of equal, responsive and nondiscriminatory services matched to the individual.
Cultural competence extends the concept of self-determination in the community.
ACR recognizes that minority populations are at least bicultural and that this status creates a unique set of mental health and substance abuse issues to which the system must be equipped to respond. Thus the system must sanction and, in some cases, mandate the incorporation of cultural knowledge into practice and policy-making.
Individuals who have mental illnesses and/or substance abuse problems shall be treated with dignity and respect, as they have the same needs, rights and responsibilities as other citizens.
ACR services shall help individuals to empower themselves, focus on strengths, maintain a sense of identity and enhance self-esteem.
ACR services shall meet the special needs of people with mental illness and/or substance abuse problems who are also affected by one or more of such factors as: old age, physical disability, homelessness, the AIDS virus and/or involvement in the criminal justice system.
ACR services shall provide for the continuity of care for people discharged from hospitals to community based services
ACR shall be accountable to progam participants, who should help plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the services they receive.