Adult Behavioral Health

ACR Health Services is here to assist you with behavior health and mental health and substance abuse recovery needs , providing excellent and professionally trained staff for in clinic or in the community.

Adult Core Behavior Health Services
Adult Core Services consists of mental health services and supports necessary to assist an individual in achieving and maintaining rehabilitative, sobriety, and recovery goals. The service is designed to meet people's mental health/substance abuse treatment, financial, social, and other treatment support needs. The service is also designed to assist people in acquiring mental health/substance abuse recovery skills necessary to successfully address educational, vocational, and housing needs.
Target Population - Adults with one of the following:
Mental Health Diagnosis
Substance Related Disorder
Co-Occurring Substance-Related Disorder and Mental Health Diagnosis,
Co-Occurring Mental Health Diagnosis and Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
Co-Occurring Substance-Related Disorder and Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
Programs Include:
Case Management
Psycho-Social Rehabiliation Skill Training
Crisis Intervention
Diagnostic Assessment
Individualized Recovery/Resiliency Planning
Family Training
Group Training
Individual Counseling
Medication Administration
Nursing Assessment/Health Services
Physician Assessment and Care
Integrated Health/ Peer Support Whole Health and Wellness
People with mental and substance abuse disorders may die decades earlier than the average person — mostly from untreated and preventable chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease that are aggravated by poor health habits such as inadequate physical activity, poor nutrition, smoking, and substance abuse. Barriers to primary care, coupled with challenges in navigating complex healthcare systems have been major obstacles to care.
ACR has implemented a program using Certified Peer Specialists trained in Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) to serve as a wellness coach working with individuals who are facing medical and health challenges. A Registered Nurse, who is also a part of the team, will provide support and will coordinate behavioral healthcare with primary health care and other medical specialists as needed. Integrating mental health, substance abuse, and primary care services has demonstrated that it produces the best recovery outcomes and proves the most effective approach to caring for people with multiple healthcare needs.
ACR will provide those services to assist individuals and their families to obtain the necessary services and treatments to live a better quality of life. We believe that it is our responsibility to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining the healthcare that they deserve and are entitled to receive. We believe in holistic care.